Next Friday, October 27, we will have a conference aimed at promoting the collaboration of IDiBE research groups with technological institutes in the Valencian Community. It will be held in the von Humboldt room and the program will be as follows:
9:45 hours. Opening. Antonio Ferrer. IDiBE Director
10:00 hours. Technological Institutes talks
Paqui Aran. INESCOP (Centro Tecnológico del Calzado)
Begoña Ruiz. AINIA (Instituto Tecnológico de la Alimentación)
David Garrido. IBV (Instituto de Biomecánica de Valencia)
10:00 hours. Technological Institutes talks
Paqui Aran. INESCOP (Centro Tecnológico del Calzado)
Begoña Ruiz. AINIA (Instituto Tecnológico de la Alimentación)
David Garrido. IBV (Instituto de Biomecánica de Valencia)
Vicente Cambra. AITEX (Centro Investigación e Innovación Textil y Cosmética)
Isabel Meseguer. ITI (Instituto Tecnológico de Informática)
Rafael Jiménez Lorenzo. AIMPLAS (Instituto Tecnológico del Plástico)
11:30 hours. Almuerzo y networking
12:00 hours. Reuniones bilaterales
11:30 hours. Almuerzo y networking
12:00 hours. Reuniones bilaterales
Please complete the following form to register and indicate if you are interested in holding a bilateral meeting and with which institute:
If you have any queries, please contact to or