Our History
Our Institute was founded under the name of “Institute of Cellular Molecular Biology” (IBMC) by Professor José Manuel Gonzalez Ros in 1997. That is, almost at the beginning of the Miguel Hernández University of Elche. During that first stage, first as a center and later as a research institute, González Ros was able to bring together young researchers and people with more experience to create a center that was modest in size, but with a great capacity to generate research results.

In 2011, Antonio Ferrer was elected director of the institute and in 2018, after an analysis of the scientific evolution of the different groups, it was decided to adapt the name of the institute to the Institute for Research, Development and Innovation in Health Biotechnology of Elche (IDiBE), since it better represented scientific interests. In addition, on that date, four highly competitive groups decided to join the IDiBE, relaunching the Institute’s research capabilities.

In the video you can see the images of the inauguration of our facilities in 1997. With the construction of the campus in Elche, we were able to open the IBMC headquarters in the Torregaitán building, where we currently continue, as IDiBE.
Currently, the IDiBE is made up of more than 40 senior researchers, who together with research staff in training, postdocs and technical support staff, make up a staff of more than 100 people, who work to carry out excellent science, knowledge transfer and to provide teaching with the highest quality standards.