Director’s Welome

The Institute of Research, Development and Innovation in Healthcare Biotechnology of Elche (IDiBE) is a Research Institute of the University Miguel Hernández de Elche, located in the University Campus at Elche, occupying a 4,000 sq. m. of laboratory in the Torregaitán Building.

IDiBE arises from the transformation of the Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology (IBMC), created by Prof. José Manuel González-Ros, who had the vision 

of building a multidisciplinary research institute in the University as a sagacious strategy to carry highly competitive and transferable research in the fields of Biotechnology and Biomedicine. This commitment to translational research has been a pivotal hallmark of the Institute since its foundation. As a result, the IDiBE has excelled in its scientific production as well as in the exploitation of the results generated by their members. Furthermore, the interest in transferring the scientific results to society has thrust entrepreneurial actions and the establishment of joint units with private enterprises and local hospitals.

«Our success has been possible thanks to our philosophy of fostering collaborations and sharing resources. It is an efficient way to exploit the synergies and complementarities of our interdisciplinary team»

Our research teams have been very active in securing funding from both governmental and private sources, publishing papers that are widely cited (70% in Q1), training young scientists with the highest scientific and ethical standards as recognized by the mention of excellence and national accreditation of our doctorate program by the Ministry of Education, and disseminating our activities and achievements to society. Notwithstanding, a major impact of the Institute has been:

The exploitation of innovative products generated from the research projects in the fields of nutraceuticals, cosmeceuticals, and biotechnology.

Having three INDs in clinical development to treat human diseases.

Creating 11 spin-off/start-up companies.

To reinforce our transferable and translational activities, the IDiBE has implemented several technological platforms, and organized its research in two core lines:

Molecular design and cell signaling.

Diagnostic, prognostic and molecular therapy.

Our previous success has been possible thanks to our philosophy of potentiating collaborations and sharing resources as a way to efficiently exploit the synergies and complementarities of our interdisciplinary team. In addition, we are complemented by highly prepared and greatly skilled technical and administrative personnel who pivotally contribute to assisting our researchers technically and administratively, allowing them to focus on accomplishing their scientific objectives.

Although we have walked a long and fruitful way, there is still plenty to accomplish for increasing the IDiBE international exposure and scientific distinction. The General Council has approved a Plan of Action (2019-2022) that establishes the objectives and milestones for the next 4 years, strengthening the original vision, and establishing as a central mission to consolidate our multidisciplinary program of research excellence in healthcare biotechnology, serving as a channel of innovation for the productive and service sectors of our society. For this purpose, we have reinforced our team and reorganized our structure aiming to facilitate the transferable activities, with the undoubtful commitment to become an Institute of research excellence in translational science.

Sincerely yours,

Prof. Antonio Ferrer-Montiel
Director IDiBE