Today we had a seminar where the technology on which the equipment recently acquired by IDIBE is based, a Helios mass cytometer (CyTOF) coupled to a Hyperion Imaging system (Hyperion Tissue Image). The seminar was given by Dr. Ernesto Marcos, technical specialist at Standard Biotools.

The technique on which it is based is time-of-flight cytometry, CyTOF, which allows the analysis of individual cells labeled with stable metal isotopes using the latest generation inductively coupled plasma technology. With 135 detection channels, Helios can simultaneously detect multiple elemental markers at high acquisition rates, thus maximizing the information per cell obtained. In this way, it will allow simultaneous analysis at the single cell level of multiple biomarkers, thus making possible the characterization of diseases and the search for personalized treatments. This system can also be coupled to the high-performance imaging system; the Hyperion+, which is capable of analyzing more than 40 protein markers simultaneously and generating images with high spatial and parametric resolution of tissues and cell smears. Furthermore, we are the only center in Spain that has this complete unique infrastructure, Helios plus Hyperion+.

This equipment is part of the grant EQC2021-007485-P, funded by MICIU/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ and by the European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR.