Dear student:
On the occasion of the Day of Women and Girls in Science, which is celebrated on February 11, 2024, AseBio has launched the initiative “A day with a #BiotechWoman” to help encourage more and more young female students to be encouraged to undertake in science and innovation, to see how their knowledge in biotechnology research contributes to the promotion of a company and also to make them aware of the different opportunities that the biotechnology sector offers beyond research.
For this reason, AseBio has opened the second edition of “A day with a Biotech Woman” so that the women who constitute today’s young talent can learn about and closely follow the work of a professional in our industry for an entire day.
The objectives of this initiative are:
Introduce female students to how it works and how to work in a biotechnology company and the different professional opportunities that the sector offers.
Highlight the essential place that women occupy in promoting innovations that, through biotechnology, contribute to caring for and improving people’s health and protecting the sustainability of the planet.
Show the opportunities to develop a career path beyond academia through entrepreneurship or work in a biotechnology company.
There will be a maximum of 10 places for female undergraduate, master’s or doctoral students related to biotechnology from AseBio partner universities who will be able to spend a day in a biotechnology company anywhere in Spain following in the footsteps of a female biotech.
Women biotech students:
Be a student at one of the AseBio partner universities:
- Universidad Santiago de Compostela
- Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio
- Universidad CEU San Pablo
- Universidad de Navarra
- Universidad Pública de Navarra
- Universidad Europea de Madrid
- Universidad de Granada
- Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche
Or be part of the pool of the Biotechnology Markets Platform
Presentation of candidatures until February 23, 2024:
Once the application submission period has ended, AseBio will study the applications and the female students and professionals will be paired based on the greatest fit, affinity or location criteria, etc. Later, AseBio will put the student in contact with the professional and the date that best suits both will be determined.
In the event that trips have to be made, the biotech company agrees to take care of the student’s travel expenses, as well as meals during the duration of the trip, stay at the company and return trip.
You can find more information in this link.