At IDiBE – UMH, scientific excellence and innovation have a woman’s name. We are proud to announce that twelve of our female researchers have been included in the Ranking of Spanish Women Scientists prepared by the CSIC, a recognition of their impact and contribution in their respective areas of research.

Their work in health biotechnology, biochemistry, biomedicine and health sciences is also recognised by this ranking which includes women such as Paloma Alonso Magdalena, Laura Marroquí Esclapez, Reyes Mateo, María Herranz, Esther Fuentes, Cristina Ripoll, María Concepción Martínez Madrid, Isabel Devesa Giner, Camino De Juan Romero, Lourdes Renart, Marcela Giudici and Regla María Medina Gali.

From IDiBE, we continue to support cutting-edge research and female leadership in science. Congratulations on this well-deserved recognition!

You can consult the complete ranking in this link.