Today the CV+I Health event was held in Valencia and we had the pleasure of participating with three presentations:
Asia Fernandez Carvajal has exposed the model of innervated skin organoid on which we are working.
Enrique Barrajón-Catalán explained the results of a study carried out in collaboration with the Pharmacy Service of the General Hospital and presented the development of AI-based tools to improve the treatment of people receiving a kidney transplant.
Luis Miguel Valor (ISABIAL, IDiBE) presented the search for biomarkers for Huntington’s disease and brain cancer.
From the Miguel Hernández University there has been an important attendance that included not only the above mentioned researchers, but also Ángel Antonio Carbonell Barrachina, Vice-rector of Research and Transfer, David Úbeda González and Noelia Rodríguez Hernández from the UMH Knowledge Transfer Service and the innovation agents Vanesa Zorrilla Muñoz, Francisco Martínez Hernández and Gabriel Estan Cerezo (thanks to IVACE+i Innovation INNTA1/2023/17, INNVA2/2024/3).
From IDiBE – UMH we can only congratulate the organization of the event CV+i Comunitat Valenciana for the success of the event.