CV+I Health event

CV+I Health event

Today the CV+I Health event was held in Valencia and we had the pleasure of participating with three presentations: Asia Fernandez Carvajal has exposed the model of innervated skin organoid on which we are working. Enrique Barrajón-Catalán explained the results of a...
PhD defense – Rocio Diaz Puertas

PhD defense – Rocio Diaz Puertas

This afternoon was the defence of the doctoral thesis of Rocío Díaz Puertas, entitled ‘Development of new polymeric nanocomposite materials with antimicrobial capacity’, directed by Doctors Ricardo Mallavia and Alberto Falcó. From IDiBE we can only congratulate Rocío...
1st UMH Transfer Meeting at IDiBE – UMH

1st UMH Transfer Meeting at IDiBE – UMH

Today our UCIE and the UMH Knowledge Transfer Service have jointly organized in IDiBE – UMH the I UMH Transfer Meeting. It has been a very interesting and participative day in which representatives of the transfer of the Miguel Hernández University of Elche and...
5th Annual International Congress of PhD Students

5th Annual International Congress of PhD Students

On February 6th and 7th, the 5th ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF PHD STUDENTS (CAIED_UMH) of the Miguel Hernández University will be held online. This event will feature the participation of 17 predoctoral researchers from the Biotechnology in Health program,...