Presentation of the CDK4 Inhibitor Patent

Presentation of the CDK4 Inhibitor Patent

Today, we are thrilled to share some exciting news: together with the Fisabio Foundation, we have filed a patent for several compounds targeting the CDK4 enzyme that “could inhibit” aggressive cancers such as glioblastoma. The CDK4 enzyme accelerates the...
Explora Project

Explora Project

IDiBE – UMH is excited to be part of the EXPLORA project, officially launched at the Kick-Off Meeting on December 16-17, 2024, hosted by ITENE in Paterna, near Valencia, Spain. This Horizon Europe and SERI initiative brings together 13 partners to explore the...
Preparation of new proposals

Preparation of new proposals

We are actively preparing new proposals for international calls. As we often say, internationalization is key to advancing science and benefiting society as a whole. Last month, on the 17th and 18th, we collaborated with our Norwegian partners from NMBU –...
IDiBE Calendar: January 2025

IDiBE Calendar: January 2025

We are back and we hope that you have been able to gather strength during these holidays for an exciting 2025. We start with our IDiBE – UMH Calendar image for 2025 with the January image entitled ‘The Trojan Horse of Cancer’: This fluorescence microscopy image...
IDiBE holds its Young Researchers in Biotechnology Day

IDiBE holds its Young Researchers in Biotechnology Day

The speakers from left to right: Mariló Olivares, Laureano Carpio, Roberto de la Torre, Pablo Largo Barrientos, Nuria Ruiz Reig, and Javier Aguilera-Lizarraga. The event started at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, December 19, in the Von Humboldt Room of the Torregaitán...