IDiBE Calendar

IDiBE Calendar

We continue with the IDiBE – UMH Calendar! And today, All Saints Day, we bring you the penultimate image, corresponding to the month of November, in which we can observe silver nanoparticles with different morphologies produced by green synthesis using...
Calendario IDiBE – Septiembre2024

Calendario IDiBE – Septiembre2024

Seguimos publicando las imágenes del Calendario de IDiBE – UMH para 2024. En el caso de septiembre, tenemos la expresión basal de ERβ (receptor de estrógenos β) en la línea celular INS-1E (insulinoma de células β pancreáticas de rata) transfectada con el...
World Diabetes Day

World Diabetes Day

World Diabetes Day is celebrated on December 14th and for that reason the Association of Diabetics of Elche and Region (ADEC) has organized a conference on the weekend of the 18th and 19th at the Elche Congress Center. From IDiBE, two of our researchers, Laura...