Mass cytometer coupled to Helios Hyperion imaging system
The IDiBE has a Helios Mass Cytometer (CyTOF) which is complemented by a Hyperion+ Imaging System (Hyperion Tissue Image) from Standard BioTools.
Helios allows the analysis of single cells labeled with stable metal isotopes using state-of-the-art inductively coupled plasma technology. With 135 detection channels, this equipment is capable of simultaneously detecting multiple markers, maximizing the information obtained per cell.

This system can be coupled to the high-throughput imaging system; the Hyperion+, which is capable of analyzing more than 40 protein markers simultaneously. The use of these metallic markers allows a spatial resolution of 1 µm in tissues and cell smears, resulting in a spatial and parametric definition of cells in situ.

The acquisition of this equipment has been possible thanks to the Grant EQC2021-007485-P funded by MICIU/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and the “European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR”.
Contact: Marta Rubio Camacho (e-mail:; phone: +34 965 22 26 88)