Irene Pomares Bri
PhD Student, Universidad Miguel Hernandez
- Screening and discovery of plant compounds and extracts as alternative strategy to
treat obesity and metabolic syndrome. - Study of the mechanism of action of plant compounds and extracts in their role inducing
adipose tissue plasticity.
- Current positions:
Predoctoral Fellow Researcher from Ministry of Education at IDiBE, Universidad Miguel Hernández (UMH), Spain, 2022 – present.
- Previous positions:
1. Undergraduate Fellow Researcher from Ministry of Education in Applied Biology Department, Universidad Miguel Hernández, Spain, 2019-2020.
2. Graduate Fellow Researcher from UMH in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Department, Universidad Miguel Hernández, Spain, 2021.
3. PROMETEO Predoctoral Researcher from Generalitat Valenciana, UMH, Spain, 2021 – 2022 - PhD programme:
PhD student in Molecular and Cellular Biology, IDiBE, 2021 – present. Directors: Dr. María Herranz and Dr. Vicente Micol. - Master in Neuroscience: from the bench to the bedside (2021), UMH.
- Degree in Biotechnology (2020), UMH.