Field Emission Gun Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM)

A Schottky hot cathode field emission model SIGMA 300 VP scanning electron microscope has been installed. It can work with voltages between 0.02 and 30 kV and has a resolution of 1.0 nm at 15 kV and 1.6 nm at 1 kV. The probe current varies between 3 pA and 20 nA. The equipment has the typical detectors of secondary electrons (SE) and backscattered electrons (BSE), X-ray (EDX), and has an inLens detector of secondary electrons and one of transmitted electrons (STEM). Thanks to the STEM module, images can be obtained, not only from the surface of the sample, also from its internal structure, so that the elements of a scanning and transmission microscope are combined in the same instrument. It allows working both in high vacuum (HV) and with variable pressure (VP, between 10 and 133 Pa), for the latter it includes another secondary electron detector (VPSE). The advantage of being able to work at a variable pressure is that it is possible to analyze non-conductive structures (cellular organelles, viruses, bacteria, liposomes, glasses, polymers, gels, etc.) without metallizing. At the same time, there is the possibility of performing correlative microscopy (CLEM) with optical / confocal microscopes. It has a 5-axis motorized stage (x, y, z, inclination and rotation).

This equipment has been acquired thanks to an intervention co-financiated by the European Union through the Programa Operativo del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) from the Comunitat Valenciana 2014-2020 (PROJECT: IDIFEDER2018/020).

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Contact: Enrique Rodríguez Cañas (e-mail:; telephone: 965 22 22 37)