BD FACS Jazz Cell Sorter

The BD FACSJazz is a cell sorter that uses the principles of flow cytometry to collect the cells of interest from a heterogeneous suspension, at a single-cell level. The technology of cell sorting involves high-voltage deflection plates that directs passing charged droplets (which contains cell of interest) into the appropriate collection tube.


  • A set up of 3 lasers: 405nm (violet), 488nm (blue) and 561nm (yellow) (we have 488 nm laser) and 6 fluorescent channels (can define up to 6 cellular parameters of interest).
  • Multi sample collection formats: 5 ml and 15 mL tubes, 6-well to 384-well plates.
  • High speed of sorting (10 000 cells per second) combines with high degree of purity (~98%) and yield (>80%).
  • Data collected can be analysed via histograms or bivariate dot plots.
  • Calibration using BD FACS Accudrop proprietary technology to ensure correct separation.

This equipment has been acquired thanks to an ERC Starting Grant (Bloodcellscrostalk, GA639249).

Contact: María del Mar Ortega-Villaizán Romo (e-mail: ).