Next Friday 17th May we have a very special event, within the day ‘Elche Science and Technology Fair’ organized by the Miguel Hernández University of Elche, there will be a new Science with Tapas. In this case, we will have Jorge Olcina Cantos, professor of the UA – University of Alicante / Universitat d’Alacant who will talk about the role of science and technology against climate change from 21:00 hours in the Valona Building.

You can’t miss such an interesting event. Register at this link.

The timetable for the full day is:

17:00 to 20:00h. Workshops for the whole family

20:00 to 21:00h. Improciencia’ show

21:00 to 22:00h. Science with tapas

Among the workshops we will have Rocío Díaz Puertas and Pedro Valentín Badía Hernández, carrying out a workshop on polymers (collaboration with Asociación de Divulgación Científica de Alicante).

Are you going to miss it?

With the collaboration of Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología, FECYT.